Since 1995 with Eli Lilly and Company in HR line management and staff roles in Germany, USA, and Brazil. Key international expertise in Learning and Leadership Development, Organizational Development, individual and organizational transformation. Experienced designer and facilitator of high-impact interventions and global leadership development programs for Executives, General Managers, high-potentials, Leadership Teams. Led, participated, or consulted in over 100 local, regional, and global change management projects. Previously in charge of Learning and Leadership Development for all Lilly Affiliates outside of the US, and until 2017 Global Consultant Global Leadership Development.
Prior to Lilly experiences in the Medical Equipment, and IT industries.
Judge at the Court of Labour Law, Hamburg, from 2005 to 2007.
Member of the Board of the Association of Internal Management Consultants (AIMC), and leader of the European AIMC Chapter.
Member of the Board of the Human Capital Club e.V., Germany.
Located in Munich, Germany.
I am nationally and internationally engaged in fostering a leadership philosophy of the 21st century, that in addition to organizational success holistically fosters humanity, healthiness, and a sustainable environment.
"I love to collaborate with people to co-create the future, by transforming ourselves, our organizations, and society, to make this world a better place. I am specifically engaged to foster humanity, to foster better health, and a more sustainable environment."